网站设计师证报考条件_外贸人才网都有哪些_微商管理系统平台_石家庄网络公司前十名 Abstract

With the advancement of technology, classroom test applets have become a big help in the field of education. This small program provides administrators, teachers and students with a convenient online learning and assessment platform. Administrators can efficiently manage student, teacher, and class information, and maintain course content and exam procedures. Teachers join classes and courses through small programs to easily manage questions and evaluate students, while monitoring the exam process. Students can participate in classes, participate in evaluations, and track their own test records and error copies through the personal center, which helps improve learning efficiency. This multi-functional small program not only optimizes the teaching management process, but also enhances the interaction between teachers and students, and is an indispensable tool for modern education.

This paper mainly discusses the main idea of using Java as programming language, Springboot as framework, MySQL database and developing easy to use classroom test small program construction plan. In this article, the background and significance of systems research, development techniques, system analysis, database design, detailed system design, etc., focuses on the design and development process of information systems.

Keywords: Java, classroom test, MySQL database



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5.3.2 维护中的用户体验与安全性考虑



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